Lieutenant Colonel



Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2013-2016)

Lieutenant Colonel Pascal Gremez is an experienced Air Operations Officer currently assigned to the JAPCC in the Combat Air Branch as a Combat aircraft SME. Lieutenant Colonel Gremez is a fighter pilot of the Belgian Air Force with almost 2,000 hours on the F-16. His previous assignments include the 2 Tactical Wing (FLORENNES AB) as Flying Group Commander, the Staff of the Belgian Air Component Command and the Belgian Defence College.

Information provided is current as of July 2015

From the Author

Doing the Same with Less

Potential Synergies for NATO Air Power
By Lt Col 
While the fight against DAESH is conducted through a ‘Coalition of the Willing’, there are no ongoing large-scale NATO-led operations. Additionally, though the exact outcome of the Ukraine crisis is still unknown, the recent temporary [...]

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