Air & Missile Defence

The sum of all surface-based air defence systems from across the Alliance form NATO’s Surface-Based Air & Missile Defense (SBAMD) capability, which (together with the airborne capabilities) is a substantial part of NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS).

Since 2010, NATO has a standing mission of Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD). GBAD systems together with BMD capable ships and shore-based sites in Europe form NATOs’ resource pool to execute this critical mission. The capability to intercept ballistic missiles is very specific but cannot be isolated from other NATINAMDS tasks in respect to mission complexity and actually available resources.

Featured Publications

Allied Air Command Lessons from Ukraine

Implications from NATO Air & Space Power Conference
By Wg Cdr 
The ongoing conflict between Russia (RUS) and Ukraine (UKR) has presented a unique opportunity for the Alliance to reflect on the experiences of both combatants and extract significant lessons for both the Air and Space [...]

The Alliance’s Transition to Multi-Domain Operations

An AIRCOM Perspective
By Sqn Ld 
The concept of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) has gained prominence in the context of NATO’s military strategy. What started years ago as an operational answer to peer adversary competition, in particular, to counter the Russian Anti-Access/Area [...]

Electronic Warfare in Ukraine

Preliminary Lessons for NATO Air Power Capability Development
By Mr 
The Russian Federation has invested heavily in Cyber and Electronic Warfare (EW) since the 2008 military reforms as an asymmetric response to NATO military capabilities that depend on sophisticated electronic systems. However, Russia has not fully [...]

Subject Matter Expert

Lieutenant Colonel

Kim Vogt

Subject Matter Expert 
Air & Missile Defence

Lieutenant Colonel Kim Vogt currently serves as a subject matter expert for integrated air and missile defence at the Joint Air Power Competence Centre. He joined the German Armed Forces in September 2001. Following the completion of his Officer Training, he studied Economic Studies at the University of the German...


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