
Occasionally comprehensive works are published in book form by the JAPCC, offering solutions in the form of academic works covering specialized subject matter across the spectrum of Joint Air and Space Power.


A Comprehensive Approach to Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems

This technical manual covers all aspects of having to counter the full spectrum of unmanned aircraft and their respective system components. It should serve to bring together both civilian and military experts by initiating thought [...]

Joint Air Power Following the 2016 Warsaw Summit

Urgent Priorities
By Dr 
By Gen 
By Lt Gen 
Frederik H. 
By Lt Gen 
Friedrich W. 
By Lt Gen 
By Lt Gen 
NATO is facing an increasingly diverse, unpredictable and demanding ­security environment, ‘an arc of insecurity and instability along NATO’s ­periphery and beyond’. In recent times this has led to a range of steps by NATO [...]

Air & Space Power in NATO

Future Vector Part II
The precise application of combat power from the air has been of strategic importance to the Alliance since NATO’s inception. Time and again, NATO and its Member Nations have turned to Joint Air Power as [...]

Air & Space Power in NATO

Future Vector Part I
The precise application of combat power from the air has been of strategic importance to the Alliance since NATO’s inception. Time and time again, NATO and its Member Nations have turned to Joint Air Power [...]

Air & Space Power in NATO

Present Paradox – Future Challenge
Joint Air and Space Power has been of utmost importance to the Alliance since NATO’s inception. The precise application of combat power from the air is founded upon superb equipment, superior training, very high levels [...]

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