Air-to-Air Refueling

Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) is a force multiplier. The AAR Team at the JAPCC provides the hub for material and policy standardisation across NATO member countries and international partners. As the Chairperson of the NATO AAR Working Group, the Air Refuelling Systems Advisory Group’s interoperability panel, and as Co-lead to the US Joint Standardisation Board’s Working Group 5, the JAPCC AAR team focuses on AAR clearance and interoperability to maximize the capabilities of NATO, partner counties, and industry. In this spirit of cooperation, we go beyond the traditional reach of NATO and increase interoperability in the global AAR enterprise.

Featured Publications

NATO’s Multinational MRTT Unit

An Update and Case Study for Future Defence Cooperation
By Lt Col 
In the 32 Since publishing, a number of developments within NATO’s Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) mission set warrants revisiting this topic. This article will provide a brief review of the formation of the MMU, update on the [...]

The Multinational Multi-Role Tanker Transport Fleet Programme

Relevant for NATO-EU Military Air Transport?
By Lt Col 
Juan Manuel 
Chomón Pérez 
‘Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.’ Franklin D. Roosevelt During [...]

Aerial Tanking in 2035

A Conceptual Look at Passing Gas
By Col 
Markie, Jr. 
‘In-flight refuelling converts the tactical fighter into a strategic, long-range participant.’ Anthony Mason, Royal Air Force Air Vice Marshal Predicting the future is a tenuous endeavour at best, as there are simply too many variables [...]


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