Maritime Air and Carrier Operations

The maritime domain is one of the main environments of global competition. NATO maritime operations are focusing on strengthening defence and deterrence from and through the sea. Maritime aircraft can operate independently or as an integral part of a task force in support of a maritime campaign, but can also play a significant role in the joint air campaign. On the other side, Air Forces can extend their reach and increase the flexibility of naval surface, subsurface, and aviation assets, in the control of the maritime domain.

For these synergistic effects, interoperability and integration of Air Force and Navy capabilities are essential. Among all military instruments of modern naval power, the aircraft carrier and its embarked air wing continue to have a pivotal role. It is an operationally outstanding asset, capable of being effectively integrated into a combined multinational campaign and delivering multi-domain effects.

Featured Publications

Hypersonic Weapons on the Front Line

Deterrent or Detractor?
By Cdr 
Some regard hypersonic weapons as a niche capability that offers a new first-strike capability for a small set of high-value targets, while others argue they have little real impact beyond strategic messaging of national prestige [...]

The Role of Aircraft Carriers in a Contested Age

Retaining Primacy in the Maritime Domain
By Cdr 
As the Maritime domain is becoming an increasingly complex and contested environment, questions are raised as to how future operations at sea will be conducted and what capabilities will be needed. In this regard, the [...]

The Strategic Value of Aircraft Carriers

Are They Worth the Investment?
By Cdr 
The political and military leaders of many seafaring nations with blue-water navies worldwide and strong maritime interests, in the effort to imagine the future of their military forces, could soon face the dilemma of whether [...]

Subject Matter Experts


Andrea Magi

Subject Matter Expert 
Maritime Air and Carrier Operations

Commander Andrea Magi joined the Italian Navy in 1990. After serving on board frigates and the ITS Garibaldi as the Electronic Warfare Officer, he was assigned to the Gruppo Aerei Imbarcati, the Italian Navy Harrier AV8B+ Squadron, as Intelligence Officer and served on board Italian Navy aircraft carriers. In 2014,...


Aaron Shiffer

Subject Matter Expert 
Maritime Air and Carrier Operations

Commander Aaron Shiffer commissioned into the United States Navy in 2000. Initial training pilot training was in the P-3C Orion serving two US operational tours and a 3rd with the Royal Australian Air Force. After completing a tour on board the USS GEORGE HW BUSH, he transitioned to the P-8A...


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