The freedom of military action on today’s battlefield largely depends on the capability to gain access to and superiority over the Electromagnetic Spectrum. This allows forces to communicate effectively, navigate with confidence, build situational awareness, share information, synchronize operations, and engage accurately in times of peace, crises, or conflict.
Electromagnetic threats from state and non-state actors combined with the growing use of commercial electronic systems, usually connected with civil infrastructure, and the increasing globalization of military technology have made the Electromagnetic Environment more congested, restricted, and contested. EW provides forces with the ability to create military advantages at tactical, operational and strategic levels.
Lieutenant Colonel Athanasios Sdrakas graduated from the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) Academy in 2000, earning a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics. He further advanced his academic qualifications by obtaining two Master of Science degrees: one in International Affairs from the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, and another in Environmental, Disaster, and...
Joint Air Power Competence Centre
Römerstrasse 140
47546 Kalkar