
The JAPCC’s mission is to provide advice and subject matter expertise for the transformation of Joint Air and Space Power; provide independent analysis and solutions to the Alliance of Nations, as well as future-oriented visions of Air and Space Power, all of which have to be realised in high-quality real-time professional output and targeted media. Our diverse online publication archives and academic material are professionally produced to communicate effectively and be recognised as a reliable and professional resource.

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Strategic Horizons – Advancements in Air and Space for Deterrence and Defence

A Review of the JAPCC Conference 2023
By Col 
By Lt Col 
Between 10 and 12 October 2023, the Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) conducted its most prestigious annual event, the Air and Space Power Conference, to enhance deterrence and defence as one of NATO’s core [...]

How Large Language Models are Transforming Modern Warfare

Is ChatGPT Applicable in the Military Domain?
By Col 
In October 2022, OpenAI released its novel Artificial Intelligence (AI)–driven chatbot, the famous ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Although AI and Machine Learning (ML) are already successfully used for pattern recognition, filtering, and other purposes, [...]

Navigating the Final Frontier: NATO’s Strategy for Heavy Space Lift

A Diversified and Resilient Space Industry is a Strategic Imperative for NATO
By Maj 
By Maj 
‘One day, mankind will walk in the skies without a plane, go to the planets, and perhaps send us news from the moon.’ Mustafa Kemal AtatĂ¼rk (EskiÅŸehir Aircraft Regiment in 1936) Space launches drive the [...]

Allied Air Command Lessons from Ukraine

Implications from NATO Air & Space Power Conference
By Wg Cdr 
The ongoing conflict between Russia (RUS) and Ukraine (UKR) has presented a unique opportunity for the Alliance to reflect on the experiences of both combatants and extract significant lessons for both the Air and Space [...]

Alliance Future Surveillance and Control

How Will NATO Continue to Effectively Monitor the Skies?
By Maj 
The NATO E-3A, or AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System), had its first operational mission in 1982. This remarkable aircraft has the ability to track and detect airborne threats from hundreds of miles away, while [...]

Assessing the Viability of Electrically Powered Flight in Military Operations

By Maj 
The trajectory of climate discourse has evolved dramatically over the years, reflecting the growing urgency of the situation. From the initial fears of global cooling in the 1970s to the subsequent shift towards global warming [...]

Quantum Technologies for Air and Space

Quantum-Enhanced Radars and Electronic Warfare: Use Cases and Timelines
By Dr 
This article is the second instalment of a three-part series that delves into the realm of Quantum Technology (QT). Specifically, it explores the applications of this cutting-edge field within the military’s Air, Space, and Cyberspace [...]

The Alliance’s Transition to Multi-Domain Operations

An AIRCOM Perspective
By Sqn Ld 
The concept of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) has gained prominence in the context of NATO’s military strategy. What started years ago as an operational answer to peer adversary competition, in particular, to counter the Russian Anti-Access/Area [...]

The Finnish Air Force

Ensuring Readiness and Leveraging High-End Air Capabilities while Integrating with NATO
By Maj Gen 
‘Today and in the future, the FINAF has a crucial role in constituting the backbone of security in the challenging Northern Eastern operational environment.’ The Finnish Air Force (FINAF) is recognized for its rich history, [...]

Journal Edition 37

I am delighted to present the latest edition of the JAPCC Journal. This issue showcases a diverse collection of articles focussing on concepts important to NATO. But first, we must acknowledge the ongoing large-scale conflict [...]

Drone Drills

How to Prepare for a Drone Incident
By Lt Col 
Well-established emergency procedures are vital for swift and efficient crisis management across military, civil, and public sectors. These protocols encompass first aid, fire, and bomb threat calls, aiming to save lives, prevent harm, and minimize [...]

Annual Report 2023

This edition of the Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of the significant developments, projects, and research accomplished by the JAPCC in 2023. It also offers a glimpse into the exciting work we have planned [...]

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