Air Chief Marshal

Sir Stuart 


Chairman, NATO Military Committee

Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach (UK Air Force) is the 32nd Chairman of the Military Committee of NATO. He is NATO’s most senior military officer and is the Military Adviser to the Secretary General and the North Atlantic Council. He attended the University of Sheffield (BA), University of Cambridge (MPhil in International Law and International Relations), RAF Staff College and the Joint Services Command and Staff College (HCSC). He holds four honorary Doctorates from UK Universities: Hull, Kingston, Sheffield and Loughborough, in Technology and Letters (DTech, DLitt).

Information provided is current as of May 2021

From the Author

NATO Electronic Warfare and Cyberspace Resilience

Sir Stuart 
Any organization needs to adapt to survive. NATO is no different. In the last two years working closely with the NATO Chiefs of Defence, our Alliance has delivered the first NATO Military Strategy since the [...]

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