


NATO Science and Technology Organization (NATO STO)

Dipl.-Ing. David Klaßen served as an Officer in the German Air Force from 2004 to 2017, where he started his career by accomplishing studies in Aerospace Engineering. As a Radar Controller and Fighter Allocator, he was serving in the German Air Defence Branch and as a crew member on Aircraft of the NATO AWACS fleet in Geilenkirchen, Germany. During his time as an Officer, Mr Klassen was involved in several multinational large-scale exercises as well as operations, such as ISAF and Counter Daesh. After leaving the Air Force, he worked three years as a consultant and authorized officer for the management consultancy branch of KPMG Germany. Since October 2020, he is serving NATO STO as the AVT-Panel Executive Officer in Paris, France.

Information provided is current as of August 2021

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