Lieutenant Colonel



Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2014-2022)

Lieutenant Colonel Roy Milke joined the military in 1979. He completed his training as Surface-Based Air Defence Officer in 1983. This was fol­lowed by three months of special training on SA-5 (Gatschina, Soviet Union). From 1984 through 1992 he served in various SA-5 unit functions. After retraining on the Patriot weapons system (El Paso, USA), he served among others as Squadron Commander up until 2003. Then from 2003 to 2014, he worked in units dealing with maintenance and repair tasks, also the Patriot weapons system, and was deployed to Termez/Uzbekistan (2011/2012) and Kahra­manmaras/Turkey (2013/2014). In 2014 Lieutenant Colonel Milke joined the Assessment, Coordination & Engagement branch at the Joint Air Power Competence Centre Kalkar, Germany. Here his main fields of activity are Education and Lessons Learned.

Information provided is current as of February 2022

From the Author

Education and Training

By Lt Col 
By Lt Col 
Education and Training (E&T) is an integral part of any armed forces’ ability to generate, maintain and strengthen their military capabilities, provide security and practise collective defence in the broader context of the NATO Alliance. [...]

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