Joint Air & Space Power Conference 2013

Air Power Post-Afghanistan

By Colonel

By Col



, IT


Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2011-2014)

By Lieutenant Colonel

By Lt Col



, GE


Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2005-2011)

 November 2013


The JAPCC’s annual conference is fast approaching and JAPCC Staff is eagerly looking forward to the start of the event. We have high expectations that we hope will yield thought-provoking and interesting dialogue. The air power principles of pre-2001 have evolved with recent operational events. The key challenge will be identifying the developments which must lead to significant and relevant transformation, vice marking the incidental needs unique to the conflict in Afgha­nistan. Inaccurate analysis will increase the likelihood that air forces of the future will suffer from having inappropriate equipment, ineffective organisations and flawed doctrine and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures. Adding to the complexity, will be a framework of great political and economic uncertainty.

The topics for this year’s conference include:

  • NATO’s Air Strategy After Afghanistan – a proposal for NATO’s future Air Vision after Afghanistan;
  • Unmanned Technology: Key to Success or Limiting Factor;
  • Air Power: Independent Action and Independent Effect;
  • Education and Training Post Afghanistan: The Dawn of Real Joint Efforts?

Providing advice on the future role of Air and Space Power in NATO might have serious impacts far beyond the military community. We have a clear understanding that our responsibility is to facilitate discussion across the entire NATO community to include sponsoring countries, academia and industry. In order to lay the groundwork for the upcoming discussions, we have ­pro­duced this ‘Conference Intro­duction’ that seeks to provide some interesting points of view regarding the proposed topics. We do not intend to answer the many questions that might be raised at this year conference but instead strive to in­duce thought about the challenges that may be faced in the future. The four chapters pre­sented here do not reflect the JAPCC’s official positions but are the per­­sonal opinions of JAPCC Subject Matter Experts.

Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2011-2014)
Lieutenant Colonel
Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2005-2011)
Lieutenant Colonel
Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2011-2014)

Lieutenant Colonel José García is a fighter pilot of the Spanish Air Force assigned to the JAPCC (Combat Air Branch). With 4.300 flight hours, he is an experienced Air Operations and Pilots Formation Officer. His previous assignments include the 14th Fighter Wing, the Spanish Air Force Academy and the Spanish Air Force Combat Command.

Information provided is current as of November 2013
Lieutenant Colonel
Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2011-2014)
Lieutenant Colonel
Joint Air Power Competence Centre (2011-2013)

Other Articles in this Journal

Leadership Perspective

The JAPCC Interview with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe

Interview with General Breedlove, SACEUR, U.S. Air Force

Transformation & Capabilities

Forward MEDEVAC Challenges

The Italian Army Implementation Programme

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT)

Analysis of Using Aerostats for Surveillance in Counter Terrorism

The Extended Air Defence Task Force

From Task Force to Competence Centre

Capable, Ready and Relevant

The NATO E-3A Component

Double Counting or Counting Double?

The Future of NATO’s Tanker Transport Fleet

Innovative Commercial Space Capabilities in Support of NATO’s Space Efforts and Theatre Operations


NATO’s Air Strategy After Afghanistan

A Proposal for NATO’s Future Air Vision After Afghanistan

Unmanned Technology

Key to Success or Limiting Factor?

Air Power

Independent Action and Independent Effect

Education and Training (E&T) Post-Afghanistan

Is this the Dawn of Real Joint Efforts?

The Advent of the ‘Armed Drones’

Imperatives for the NATO Alliance

New Technologies

Fire, Wheel, Steam Engine and … Nanotechnology

African Relations

NATO’s Reach for Stability

F-35, The Backbone of Next Generation NATO Operations

Developing Future Force Protection Capability

Part 1: Where Might We Be Going and Where Should We Be Going?

Out of the Box

Interoperability Through Innovation

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