Air Commodore Dr.



Faculty of Military Sciences, Netherlands Defence Academy

Air Commodore Dr. Frans Osinga is the Chair in War Studies as well as Head of the Military Operational Art and Science Section at the Faculty of Military Sciences of the Netherlands Defence Academy. For a variety of national and international audiences he regularly lectures on international security, contemporary military operations, strategic thought, air power, and defence policy. He is the author of more than 50 publications. Air Commodore Osinga’s previous assignments include a tour at NATO Allied Command Transformation as the Liaison Officer for JAPCC. Prior to that he was the NLD MoD Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute of International Relation and directed the Air Power and Strategy Department of the NLD Defence College. He held a number of staff positions at the RNLAF headquarters and served in a number of NF-5 and F-16 squadrons, also as an F-16 instructor.

Information provided is current as of July 2017

From the Author

European Security and the Significance of the F-35

By Air Cdre 
This essay is the reprint of an article published in October 2016 by the Norwegian Airforce Magazine ‘LUFTLED’. The introduction of F-35 fighters in European air forces marks a momentous transition from 4 generation. But [...]

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