Lieutenant Colonel (Gwendolyn) Kamp-Bakx joined the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) in August 1990. She studied Organizational Management & Weapon Systems at the Royal Military Academy and graduated Flight School (helicopters) in 1996. She has flown Alouette III, BO-105, and CH-47 up till deputy flight commander and flight commander. She deployed to missions in Bosnia (SFOR), Kosovo (KFOR), Iraq (SFIR, three times, 2 times as deputy S3 Air) and Afghanistan (OEF/ISAF, twice, one tour as S3 Air). Gwendolyn holds master’s degrees in Labour Psychology (Open University, Netherlands) and Human Factors and System Safety (Lund University, Sweden), as well as a PhD in Safety in Large-Scale Socio-technological Military Systems (Delft University). She served as deputy commander of the Aircrew Survival School, helicopter flight safety officer at RNLAF Air Force HQ, Assistant Professor in Human Factors & System Safety (2010-2014), lecturer-researcher in leadership, ethics and behaviour (2014-2016), Assistant Professor in Civil-Military Cooperation (2016-2019, civilian position), and Associate Professor in Human Factors and System Safety (2019-2023). In 2016, Gwendolyn retired as a military, to return in 2023 at the Air and Space Warfare Center (ASWC). She currently works on topics regarding air leadership and transformation at the Joint Air Power Competence Center (JAPCC).
Joint Air Power Competence Centre
Römerstrasse 140
47546 Kalkar
Joint Air Power Competence Centre
Römerstrasse 140
47546 Kalkar
+49 (0) 2824 90 2201
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