A Forecast for Maritime Air ASW in the Future Operational Environment
By Capt
William A.
By Lt Cdr
As the Cold War ended and the Russian Federation’s naval projection was challenged both by the internal politics of glasnost and the stark realities of their national economic situation, their submarine deployments throughout the NATO [...]
Where are the Carriers?
Affirming and Preserving NATO Air Power from the Sea
By Lt Cdr
‘Where are the carriers?’ This same question sprang to Tom Clancy’s mind back when he introduced his book ‘Carrier’ in 1998. The author borrowed that question from many previous US Presidents as they asked it [...]
Air and Space Power in Counter-Piracy Operations
By Lt Cdr
NATO has been contributing military forces, mostly warships, to the Counter-Piracy (CP) mission off the Horn of Africa (HoA) since October 2008. Commanders at sea have made several strong appeals for more Air and Space [...]